Trading Cards

By | 1 November 2018

You suggest playing Pokémon

cards with the saints, their diversity

and collectible-wide range

passing dry winters in Coyoacán,

a street musician’s distance

from a plaster, huge Christ-child,

ice-blue, genitalia revealed.

Play in the patio we recognise

is catching more

specific names, like shiny Blastoises,

debating baroque

and gothic architecture, virtues as

– if buildings unearth and

make pilgrimage to each other over

continents. The Cathedral Metropolitana was

built on the Tenochtitlan Temple Mayor

you say; sacrifices are necessary

to keep the sun alive and

the sky bluish. The Spanish hardly understood

when they exhumed the bodies, succulent as

stakes in the earth. Play

Pokémon cards with the saints in Coyoacán,

using a thunder-stone to turn your saint Sebastian

– thrumming from love-

into a Raichu.

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