Longing for Areas of Kansas

By | 1 May 2012

after Bernadette Mayer

“Let’s just helicopter the ocean
– Anne Boyer

New South Wales is awful
The winter’s non-existent
The sun will come out today
There are Yuppies
Men & women who can’t walk
They wear dark colours & jog around, admiring browns & greens
looking down at their phones & pretending to predict all the
big stocks
Or else they nod winely
Yup, a Moscadello
The high turns mellow all the time
The liver’s grey
Every movie’s black and white
Everybody eats greens
Nothing freezes
Everyone owns a cute paper mouse
People watch wood chopping every Easter
They dine around on spicy foods
All the trees look dehydrated
They are killed so meadows grow
There’s always daylight
People sit home & drink, boiling
At night all grab telephones, go out & the powerful down blow
Every weekend there’s scorn, so no one want to see you
The fireplaces burn on the outskirts
The mountains look black afterwards
There are only cookbooks at the store
Gourmet’s a big thing
Everybody has a hairstyle
Sex is druggy for people in New South Wales
It’s 36C & they use rubber for non-slip mats
Some people have to have regeneration surgery
The wrinkles are very small
You have to go out with a cold
All of a sudden the blue gum is blown away
Everything’s buried under five feet of sun
It doesn’t go away until April or May
Every drink’s either Snapple or some kind of lemon squash
The houses are all hot boxes & you cant open the windows
People sell storeys to each other
People have to cum & and pull the sweat off their side of
the bed
Then people build garages for their different cars
They have town meetings about the river system
The ideas of people in general are not raised higher than the
Murray in drought
Even the water flees this trap

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