Prize Maggot for Meat Hunk to Knock Twice on Wood

By | 28 February 2013

Wormwood hotspot, but narrow berth aping El Paso heat
on the Great Northern Highway
between civic duties. Diffident arsehole bristles in the glade
but for convent up the way
nun patience chides the rough diamantine of
the standard liquored shoes and fountain foam gush gained
said it was all our doing known done wilful intent,
it will get you nine years no parole upon it stumble, come truth.

Artaud’s Joan.
Possumeaten man.
Wet livid bitumen.
No amor fati.

Quaint appeal to the billabong suffering, cut me above clavicle,
below Adam.
Blood-let swine kingdom swoons and by god am I loose.
Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily Creek.
She is wilder, circles like a vulture. Get that maggot.
The miniature soul let is a music box dancer with a swinging dick.
Apparently lending your lips moved the maudlin, witness
to evacuation since the moralists are all taken,
hence pucker for the coming weld of drama.
And you, écriture: beware the car industry! Swerve and roll
in Mazda, because we do not mince you, we dice.
Hot brand our paraph the quincunx in your side.

I is scumbags
if the grease pit haggles for our prize maggot for meat hunk,
sewer’s consent, the scum behind the eyeballs is chocolate éclair and cellulite.
O inscrutable flesh to insurmountable retrenchment at
blip desk, if this were traffic control at Perth Airport
then Sint Eustatius, grey no charter with brained bikie. Pie in the sky thigh.
Stark handsome, if you know where to look, what to soften, which starch
makes best

Before masturbation, we smoked.
Now Australians march the undead through emphysema follies,
papacy of higher society censors the terminal scoliosis of its plots.
Australian Club: your spine is independently wizened louche.
Old dead bloke sizar and avatar of the moral tradition of his age,
I may not smoke, but millet porridge get up.

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