Red Scare

By | 1 October 2020

The little fascist in me is
crushing that little flower,
Earlier Me, who
jumped the train gates

My crotch was a hinge
I couldn’t feel
to get me through.
Don’t tell anyone it touched
the metal.

Don’t daddy, do
you have a ticket?
Like neo-New Balance,
neo-Asics, like
Me like Too?

I’m the morgenmuffel,
a nasty Czech waffle,
making posters of paper
in the spring tank,

You’ve done a really bad job,
they said, as I
came, came, came
to the end of the brigade of
knocks and lights of surrender.

Lavender water and beauty,
the girls are saying
whatever comes to
mind through the phone,
No replies guys! Gays and go.

It’s going too right,
I write from the left margin,
a new warm cut
down in the right

Space opening up
for Olinda phrases, bare
feet on the ground.
Thighs down, thighs down,
blood’s here now.

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