헌 신문지 같은 옷가지들 벗기고
눅눅한 요 위에 너를 날 것으로 뉘고 내려다본다
생기 잃고 옹이진 손과 발이며
가는 팔다리 갈비뼈 자리들이 지쳐 보이는구나
너를 부려 먹이를 얻고
여자를 안아 집을 이루었으나
남은 것은 진땀과 악몽의 길뿐이다
또다시 너를 낯선 땅 후미진 구석에
순한 너를 뉘였으니
좋은 날도 아주 없지는 않았다만
네 노고의 헐한 삯마저 치를 길 아득하다
차라리 이대로 너를 재워둔 채
가만히 떠날까도 싶어 네게 묻는다
어떤가 몸이여
Kim Sa-in (b. 1955) was born in Boeun, North Chungcheong Province and studied Korean Literature in Seoul National University. He has published two volumes of poetry, Letter Written at Night (1987) and Quietly Liking (2006). His early poems were marked by the yearning for democracy and justice in the face of social injustice, and his recent poems strive for lyrical depth through compassion and sympathy with the world. He is the recipient of Hyundae Literary Award (2005) and Daesan Literary Award (2006) and now teaches creative writing at Dongduk Women’s University. As for him, writing poetry is to question things tirelessly and the poet is not just a questioner but also the person who tries to answer the questions and put the answers into practice.