O.J Chase

By | 16 August 2019

Together we buffer out on Willow
Rd brushing the gated residence.
There is a massive wasp on Ian’s
neck & it makes Steve remember
how he forgot to cc Ash in on the
hilarious picture of Willis colliding
with a Santa Fe on McEvoy. Also,
it reminds Steve of the O.J chase,
& anyway Ash probably wouldn’t
have cared that much, after all he
just recently suffered a divorce. an
almighty crash of holy matrimony.
A crash that not even the silver on
his chin could have prevented, &
so, Ash is under. & everywhere the
gore of power lines, & the gore of
Steve & his blessing. The gore of
his flower. & Steve starts like the
weather or telemarketing or whip-
lash. he wants to tag Tim in A pic
of them both taken at A Paul Kelly
concert, although Tim is reluctant
he considers himself to be above
social media & its mouth breathing
-Steve tags him anyway. Steve is
on Chester trying to catch up with
Ian as the wasp moves towards his
ear. Ian still hasn’t noticed the wasp
like god. The wasp has perched on
Ian’s ear like god. Steve is imminent
for the gosh. The gosh so full in his
forward facing eye. The gala of god
& goss. & Steve wants to FaceTime
Justin in on the wasp, it reminds him
of the O.J chase. & it reminds him of
the time a politician tripped over. &
Ian is descending the Lane as Steve
begins to record. All of us ordained
in his ache. on the cusp. on the cusp
of another gore & scourge. Staring at
the crash. like holiness. like porn.

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