Market Value

By | 1 August 2017

Robust growls epic among the tended
roses of no.5 Florence Ave, columns of
Athene rising from the stupor. A heavy
classic. Worship via Siri via Kabbalah?
Clutching at plurals & paystubs. GOD?
All the insufficient funds I tried to hide
under my skin came out! & going black
with doubt & love & damn it I am still
here in my tracksuit wondering about
GOD & the Saturday cohort. Folly! Folly
after GOD. Looking from cars & looking
from bars uncertain, sifting through the
jargon of faces compelled. & I should be
so glad? There are lambs in the eyes of
eagles. & who will be spared? HOLY? &
I feel 2D, I feel like a ghost. I should buy
a tuxedo & a jag & ooze bank like a saint,
but Ah! the gist is lost on each sanctuary
I destroy & damn it I continue to walk
with the sun in my eyes & gloss hashtag
fuck! The milieu will not consider piety,
my loyalty to the sedan & the mall will
not be dispersed. GOD in a grocery bag
heavy with GLOSS & galore. Stop eating
organic ! Buy in bulk ! Learn to freeze !
Buy a mortgage! GOD? Stretch GOD out
like a water bill GOD can handle it. been
GOD before flat pack furniture was even
born. So deep is the hysteria of SUV, so
deep is the hysteria of being 3D I even
noticed the sky the other day & it was
HOLY more holy than GOD I was in my
neighbours yard watering the flowers.

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