Sid Vicious Underlined by the Tiber

By | 1 May 2015

He walks in rubbish like the street. Having risen from
The waters like a painter and left his work for the less
Nice people to observe. The sea would be punk but’s

Too major
Embrace Apollinaire
Like a
or Robert Duncan
The Gen X

Still Nancy or Stevie Nicks? Birds
Die in most scenes post-Surrealism
The fashion’s to blue the whole shoe
Skating around in spats made of A

But the water’s grimy
Like Cook, like Botany
Bay; and big gulls
Cry ‘Sid! Why haven’t
You gotten an Italian
Phone number yet?’

Spectres inevitably efface St
Bartholomew’s Square
While old goddesses smoke Diana
Cigarettes, oblivious of the
Possibility of Dame Edna
Cheroots, or Iggy cigarillos
They’re still reading

Pound in the
Polite old way, by
Saying ‘A pleasure’
To the text. Rent
Boys understand

‘G’day’ and ‘okay’ (and’d better). New
Genres of control emerge from the printer, and
The ATM reckons you don’t have enough Euros

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