Prove that you are human

By | 1 September 2024

Select all squares with crossings.

The blue wheel goes round.

This park looks familiar
and I had a bicycle just like that.
I wonder where the motorbike rider is going?
Maybe to his long-lost mother’s house.
They’ve only just rediscovered each other
after a lifetime of separation.

Select all squares with traffic lights.

That woman sitting on the bench
behind the stop sign,
she’s a refugee who’s spent years
trying to prove she’s human.

Select all squares with clouds.

including clouds with silver linings
and clouded judgements.
Every square has clouds.
Is that a metaphor?

Prove that you are a human.

Do something lovely
or vicious
or both.

Select all images with stairs.

The young man going up those back stairs
is on his way to a click farm,
a windowless building in
a street without a minimum wage.
He’s paid a pittance to plant
likes and follows and five-star reviews.

To continue, type the characters
you see in the picture.

What language is this?
Those twisted cat scratchings
look like my failed drafts.

The blue wheel goes round
and round.

‘I’m not a robot.’

Please believe me.

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