Donald Trump

By | 1 December 2022


My husband he saw an article about his
hometown in The New York Times
Donald, Victoria, Australia
Population 1498

I google Donald, New York Times
he is backseat googling behind me
telling me no google New York Donald Donald Australia Donald articles
we are driving far from where we want to be
we see Down the rabbit hole with Donald
Donald Trump just can’t help it
The People vs Donald Trump
Celebrities react negatively to Donald Trump’s shutdown

Where is my Donald the broken biscuits the
pessimistic farmers the nursing home round the
corner the
slow roads


When I am feeling sad sometimes I google
Donald Trump New York Times the
habit started during the primaries
and I haven’t broken it
it soothes me to feel the predictable contours
of surprise unsurprise outrage fatigue
the completeness of my knowledge of the world
the world is anywhere but here
I wake up from my reading feeling
cleansed of bad emotions and guilty
for going back to him


I am having lunch in Savannah, Georgia
on the fifteenth floor of a hotel
this is the world to a girl born on a big boring island
floating at the bottom of the map
a lady dressed in pink and gold angles
speaks to the American people with black-lined eyes
why do you think he knows you
how do you think he knows you
this man who grew up in a house that that that
this man who grew up in a family had had had

she tells me I got my citizenship after I saw him
campaigning on tv I had been putting it off
but then I thought no
I am from Egypt and there have been two dictators since I left
and the current one has changed the constitution
to say he can rule till 2030


I give my supervisor discounted flowers
for a baby big inside her belly
there is no metaphor and no simile
I can make for this it is
too beautiful a baby just as it is

she says what are these
I say I dropped the flowers on the way here
this is true but it is untrue that it was the fall
that made them look like yesterday
these white-yellow cones of dense petals sloping sideways
they looked like that when I pulled them dripping from the bucket

she says she likes them like
like Donald Trump’s hair she says
thank you for this
and here he is
again in my flowers I thought
I kept myself pure from him how
can I keep myself pure from him

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