Works cited
‘About the WI.’ Women’s Institute, online.
Blake, William. ‘Jerusalem,’ Poetry Foundation, online.
Blau DuPlessis, Rachel. ‘On hearing Xi Chuan for the first time’. Notes on the Mosquito, online.
—. ‘On Drafts: A Memorandum of Understanding Draft 11: Schwa.’ Onward: Contemporary Poetry and Poetics, edited by Peter Baker, Peter Lang, 1996, 143-162.
—. ‘Rachel Blau DuPlessis and William Watkin, Draft 33: “Deixis/Notes on Deixis”: a Midrashic Chain, an exchange of thoughts,’ Jacket 36 2008, online.
Hoover, Paul. Ed. Postmodern American Poetry: A Norton Anthology. W. W. Norton & Company, 1994.
Jakobson, Roman. ‘Linguistics and Poetics’ (1958). Modern Criticism and Theory, A Reader, edited by David Lodge, Longman, 1988, 31-55.
Lerner, Ben. The Hatred of Poetry. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016.
Power, Shannon. ‘Lemons in the chicken wire: the story of queer Indigenous women,’ Sydney Star Observer, online.