The sailors talking down to a flock of floating gulls who appeared as Arabs, and those men replying, happily speaking up from the mirrored waters –
“We are of The West, searching for the lands of The East. The sea we have sailed, circled Africa. Diverse lands and skies we have seen. We are of a powerful King, so brave, so wanted, so well-liked. Not the wide sea but the lake we will enter. Searching, we walk the Eastern Land, the remote sea we sail. But already reason knows, if truth is not refused… Who are you, you that inhabit an India of Signs?”
“We are of the islands, foreigners to Land, Nation and Law. The proper ones are those without Law. We have the Certain Law that He taught, He who is the Landlord of the World: Mother, Father, Information. This small island we inhabit is all certain. The waves we sail, the land briefly visit. Since you sail so far, searching and going like burning hot sand, you are guided by the waves, wisely. Of the Land, have some refreshment. The Regent who governs this Land sees you.”