Adversarial Practice: 6 New Poems by Angela Costi

By | 13 May 2024

Applying the Law to Work

Scenario with facts
Linh Hui is a full time Information Officer answering a busy phone line
one morning her husband of 17 years got on his bicycle and never returned
she’s left with two teenage children and one diagnosed with Crohn’s disease
she meets with her Manager to discuss her request for flexible part time
Joan Politis is a full time Manager of four employees including Ms Hui
the meeting is scheduled after the phone line closes for the day

Scenario with dialogue
Joan the phone will be ringing ringing ringing
into the space you’ve abandoned
taking your voice with you
leaving the caller stranded
Linh stranded is my husband’s chair
Joan your chair cannot be filled
Linh my son’s plate cannot be filled
Joan deal with the crumbs
thrown from above
Linh from above
the scattering has stopped
from below I throw
section 19 (1)
Joan I throw back
section 19 (2)

Formula for subsections (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (i) (ii) (iii) (g) (h)
The law attempts outrage with must not deny a reasonable request
Finance throws burning wallets – – – – – – budgets deliver the goals

A small department develops a hierarchy of tormented minds
One consultant is overpaid to design a team-building exercise

Meetings are scheduled after the phone line closes for the day
17 years of sleepless nights multiply to one morning’s goodbye
one child refuses to set the alarm while the other rejects breakfast
Linh’s request for flexible work contorts to a performance review
Joan Politis is an Executive of three employees excluding Linh Hui
Ms Hui is a full time Information Officer answering a busy phone line

Flexible work arrangements to accommodate parental responsibilities are enshrined in the Equal Opportunity Act, 2010 Victoria.
There are sub-sections in the Act the employer can use to refuse employee requests.
Although this type of situation occurred, the names are made up.

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