Adversarial Practice: 6 New Poems by Angela Costi

By | 13 May 2024


must answer unless otherwise stated
1. Eva is a killer. She has a contract to kill Adam.
the victim is Adam. Eva, please some effort
leaves Adam on the road.
a car, driven by Lilith, drives over him.
Lilith did not see Adam on the road, because she was speaking on her mobile phone
Adam shocked suffers a heart attack dies
criminal Eva
sons advance
fence Eva
Give sons our
defence counsel against
Eva crim is problem
Could you advance her liability for homicide?
2. Consider Hagar believes Sarah
Hagar sells Sarah the gun Sarah
is capable of firing bullets. She kills Abraham
3. During a professional football match
Cain tackled Abel from behind
the tackle caused Abel to fall who
suffered between Cain and Abel
serious violence punched Cain
cuts and bruises fused punch, punched
off pitch discipline sacked
Cain get Abel Every night
saying ‘I know where you live’ depression.

4. Samson’s sleep is disturbed by
enthusiastic intercourse next door
Samson gets out of bed and enters
Timnah’s bedroom. Timnah screams tries to push him out
Samson pushes Timnah on to the bed and has intercourse with her
he awakes with no recollection
cuss any offences by Samson
defences available thereto.
General remarks


A found poem from a past Criminal Law Exam Paper with the names of the perpetrators and victims changed to biblical characters.

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