Adversarial Practice: 6 New Poems by Angela Costi

By | 13 May 2024

The Print is Fine and Dandy

Upon settlement of what is unduly authorised
by Crown and sundry

to be the property of said immigrant on said day at said time
you are subject to said fees and charges
to be paid before settlement
each fee will compete with the charge
both fee and charge will be paid at the appointed time within the accounted period
fee fi fo fum instruct the agent to suck the thumb

before the charge of lender’s smite in case of flee of said mite
with a prior offer to have been accepted whereupon the smidgen took flight
get the agent to instruct the lender to bring in the broker to bankroll the solicitor

all of these fine upstanding particulars partake of the settlement fee
stamped with the duty of expendable hours
assured to insure the horror of those who come before us
and who come after us
and think they can own what is dishonourably theirs to take by the sail
of every anchored ship

you will be charged as soon as you buy the pillow to sink your head
you may end this contract by standing under the vanishing vine
of inclement hunger with two beans digested
before three days clear of clouds but heavily soaked in cufflinks
though there are and always will be seven exceptions
quickly grab the creeper

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