Liyou Libsekal

Liyou Libsekal is an Ethiopian poet living in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She grew up traveling and living mainly in East Africa. She won the Brunel University African Poetry Prize in 2014. Her chapbook, Bearing Heavy Things, is part of the 2015 African Poetry Book Fund’s New Generation African Poets series. Her work has most recently appeared in Missing Slate Magazine, Badilisha Poetry and Elsewhere Lit's African Poetry anthology.

Things We Inherited: Voices from Africa Curated by Liyou Libsekal

The African continent, being home to thousands of languages and hundreds of varying cultural identities, has richly diverse forms of poetic tradition. The world’s growing focus on the varied African cultures has created new platforms and new avenues open to African artists, writers, poets, musicians and filmmakers, etc.

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The gate-guard is at special attention positioned in highland chill new gold buttons and a collar hand-twined blanket in a dejected corner on the tables, reserve is hung and the meat devoured with the finest whiskies teasing the men teasing …

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the Composer is a father of lullabies ostensible notes drank under waning light the tunes spread the hues of promise he is a herder of tongues and eardrums penning dreams while the earth generations bled for is cut up today …

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