Mindy Gill

5 New Poems by Mindy Gill

In the Oberoi, Two Days Before My Flight after Frank O’Hara We made all the right decisions. It’s what we told one another. A high-walled garden and uninterrupted air. The mahogany desk you claimed in an instant pens, new pages, …

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NO THEME IX Editorial

Amulet ‘This is not a Warning, it is a Threat! Happy new year!’ So tweeted the American President before launching a missile strike in Iran that almost began World War Three. The American President (for separate reasons) was impeached, and …

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Submission to Cordite 96: NO THEME IX

No theme, no rules, except for one: send us your best poems.

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In a Tranquil Period

The stillness of the street along the river, 
the exhale of the last light and the gold before it. A small boat knifing the water.
 These ways we learn to endure, without promises or permanence. This forgetting of particulars.
 As …

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