Benito di Fonzo

An interview with Benito Di Fonzo

Born into an Irish-Italian working class family in Sydney’s inner west, journalist, playwright, poet and performer Benito Di Fonzo has written for, and been profiled by, the best and worst of publications including The Sydney Morning Herald, The Sun Herald, …

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money put aside for money will money into money

money put aside for money will money into money its the same with semen, but stickier than honey so all things that can be saved can also be expended, and drowned in abandoned wardrobes of borrowed clothes were as solid …

Posted in 38: POST-EPIC | Tagged

What For? (Epic Triad Version)

money put aside for money will money into money

Posted in 37: EPIC | Tagged

Australians in Rome (the boys)

I was introduced to some australians in rome they were three boys from the sticks of country victoria blowing it all on their big euro trip 3 days a city – barcelona, rome, paris, amsterdam, etc. they'd been drinking all …

Posted in 31: SECRET CITIES | Tagged

Benito Di Fonzo Reviews B. R. Dionysius

The title poem of Bacchanalia by B. R. Dionysius is a muscular, vivacious and absorbing piece of prose poetry that starts like a fifteen year old's diary entry but morphs darkly into something more akin to a police statement. It is original and exciting. Unfortunately, however, many other poems in this collection do not share these qualities.

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Claire Stewart Reviews Benito di Fonzo

The first thing that struck me when reading 'Her, leaving, as the Acid hits' was that it embodied, like the muse of the story, a lament of an era long gone. Di Fonzo has successfully recreated the zeitgeist of the pre-gentrification time of cosy inner city dwellings before real estate went up and the well worn homes that gave these areas their character went down to make way for sterile, so-called architecturally designed apartments.

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