3 Lost Men

By | 1 February 2013

on guerrero the lost man & lite reign
oil ling. the cob bil stones & i wan ted 2 no
did he think how shock king 2 dy
a lone inn the woods as opp. posed 2 watt, inn a chair
in front of the tv or inn a bed. he sd it was
no problem; he had a good life. but
a lost man was lost & then he was found
& then he went 2 denver & then he came bak hear.
i have scene him byeing post er bored

& going 2 the gym. the woman was be hind the gate.
her husband had dyd recent lee.

he was the 1 inn the wheel chair. i sore him of ten

be tween the bar & photo copying shop.
her eyes where like the cob bil stones

wth yellow can dil lite the lost man
had all ready told me how the husband did it.
i un dir. stood. this lamp lite re mind ed. me of u
of coarse, 45 degrees. i hoped 4 a differ rent

mess sage as on guerrero, how shock king
2 dy a lone inn the woods i sd
but a lost man sd it was real lee know problem.

* Guerrero: ‘warrior’ in Spanish, also a street in Puerto Vallarta.

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