A World Order

By | 1 February 2015

In the underground, moist nape
of a woman’s neck held
exposed to the vertical bars;
fellow bipeds plucking mental
berries in the electronic jungle.
Not Edenic, this world keypad
games where dull & acquisitive
acumen takes the highest prize.

A boy who stares like a gas-mask at a
Prizedraw for a 3-D Discovery Battleship
Commander Simulation
at the new Science
Park. Every weekend hundreds of spectacled
baby-faces belted into virtual war just what
education is for. The other side of the glass
a thousand building-sites the
making of a world in order
soon enough to pull it down again.

We already know which world wins out
though we each know differently; that
is what democracy is for, why it
succeeds in always failing.
Never knowing what world
it’s fighting for but that
the winner takes all.

Singapore, 2014

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