Dream Diary – Tuesday and Wednesday Night

By | 1 May 2014

Tuesday night I dream
I go to an all you can eat
restaurant. The waiter says to take
a seat and brings out large platters:
pastries, chicken and potatoes.

Extra food keeps appearing on the table:
schmaltz and fishcakes that my sidekick brings
out from her many bags. The waiter rushes
past, sets down an ice cream sculpture
in the shape of Macbeth’s head with a clatter.
‘After this you leave’ he says, noticing all
the extra food my companion is adding
to prolong our stay. We eat and eat.

At the counter the waiter writes the bill: $13 041.
My friend takes the bill and writes
a big 0 on it. The waiter says ‘this is NOT
on the house’ and she writes
the 0 again. The waiter shows us a form
to say we are banned from going
to that restaurant again. Wednesday night
I dream my psychiatrist instructs me
to wrap my feet in parsley.

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