
By | 24 September 2002

Dhe songmoth had u mikst pyoupaishen, biset bii feet uv bigu thingz; stil, daiz wur waum, dhu skii wuz kleer, dhaer wuz mutc tou lern.

Ov krisulis it sed: dhis wuz byoutifool, but it rikwiird kurij. Ii kept louzing thingz. Bits uv mee dropt of liik roted teeth. Heer ii lernt dhe tuf stuf: fiind yur vois, wen your louzing dhu saondz uv udhez, groewing faintur and dhen noe maur; enjoi dhe nyou sensaishenz wen dhiy oald ur sliping aot uv ken, u sofend finggutip, u myouted haun, u ciild wuz swoloed and reebaun. In dhaer ii sau moements uv tranzishen.

It sed: u ciild had been swoloed, dhen it wuz reebaun. Iiy am nao strainjliy gaujus bikoz uv dhat. Ii kraod dhe flaimz uv yau waumd eevning, am dhu soft wing dhat brushez paast yau niitceer eer. Wen you heer meey, iiy am isrufel aur aufiyoe. Nao wen youw eet yaur supur iim un iidul distrakshen, niidhur fooliy entutainment nau fooliy pleezing tou bihoald. Iiy am moestliy jentliy wiild.

Dhis, it sed, iz dhe waiy its tou bee: you shul see meey in evriy songmoth, and youl shoew it yau best welkum, fur yaur luv uv mee. Dhaer shul bee noew end tou dhu baontiy uv yau daiz, naur u limit tou yaur soroew. In dhis, you shul bee liik dhiy oeshen – but dhat iz unudhur song; iil sing it toumoroew.


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