Critical Failure

By | 3 February 2024

[ Background Perception Check ]


You do not see it coming.
The greatest poem ever written,
guard it carefully,
garner a carefree attitude to art.
It intimidates life,
the dated schoolyard kind of flattery.
it flaunts to fawn the fault of fauna.
And smell the flora.
(Read: Roses.)
(as in, Actual Red Roses)
as the image becomes artifice
by other name, by any means.
I was once bitten
at a biennial celebration of shyness.
Almost ironic
as I’ve been courting fame.
The score is love-none.
The melody of disillusion and loss.

Delusion is the opiate of the main character
and the antidote.
Add a passive buff.
[+1 Luck]
Nothing can prepare you
for success
like a good modifier,
reckless swings akimbo.
I came for the party,
stayed for the friends we made along the way.
Respec’ed for character development,
Save Scummed for plot.
Started over.
A dexterous D20 roll.
Games are made for playing,
Bard is still the best class.

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