Transviolatingpoetry Collective

Transviolatingpoetry is a collective of translators based in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Working in the tradition of the Moscow Linguistic Circle, the collective aims to promote awareness of what is happening during translation, rejecting translation done in the image of the translator and trying to bring new texts to the host language and vice-versa. The collective has a base membership, but is also sustained by the presence of sporadic translators who contribute. This has led to the publication of the book Twister Tongues and a book of contemporary Russian verse is to be published in the autumn. The collective hold seminars, lectures and translation en masse at the House Museum of Zoschenko, the Andrei Bely Cultural Centre and the Centre for Independent Research.

3 Poems by Andrei Filimonov

Andrey Filimonov Most of my grannies were teachers, The most ancient being from old Bolshevik throng. From her I got an atlas of Soviet cities. I read it, like a hymn book, testing it with the tongue from West to …

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2 Poems by Alla Gorbunova

Sonata Out of a Tin 1 o lord, I call on thee out of a tin: make it blossom like Aaron’s rod like gardens in tin rays and maples. – I myself am made of tin and everybody around is …

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