Eddie Hopely

Eddie Hopely is a poet and researcher from the United States currently living in Sydney. He co-edits SUS press.



Posted in 72: THE END | Tagged

Experimental Review: Chris Edwards’s After Naptime

PREFACE Page references to Chris Edwards’ “A. N.”* are imposed—i–viii (Front cover–Contents), 1–22 (Text), ix–xiv (Sources–Back cover)—according to its Contents’ functionally reflexive bracketing.

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from Eternal Counsel

I tuck and put your hands into my clean fresh cut a short bob falling just above the bottom of my ears roughly pushed back at the sides with two parallel cropped braids emerging from just below the slightly diagonal …

Posted in 59: GONDWANALAND | Tagged


Xe woke up and knew immediately that xe had been asleep. Xe rotated in a slight squirm, pushing xer head against xer neck with itself and wobbling in xer glider. Each visible unifaced cumulus might seize. Xe curled within sewn-in …

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