Christopher Funkhouser

Christopher Funkhouser directs the Communication and Media program at New Jersey Institute of Technology, is a Senior Editor at PennSound and was a Visiting Fulbright Scholar at Multimedia University (Malaysia) in 2006. He is author of the critical volumes Prehistoric Digital Poetry: An Archeology of Forms, 1959-1995 (Alabama, 2007), New Directions in Digital Poetry (Continuum, 2012), the chapbooks Electro þerdix (Least Weasel, 2011), LambdaMOO_Sessions (Writer's Forum, 2006) and a CD-ROM e-book, Selections 2.0 (2006).

Shy nag (a code opera): ACT II

The resultant text became English via Google Translate, and was subsequently processed and filtered through Word spell-check. Since the code is lengthy, over fifty pages, the output was large.

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Sentences / part two

Click on the image above to launch. The second episode in a 3 part sequence titled ‘Sentences / part two’ combines my interests in animation, improvised music and algorithmic writing in experimental forms (i.e., mesostics in this production). Text presented …

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Picture Becomes Text, Becomes Writing: Software as Interlocutor

What is required in any type of spell-check writing is an input text, which can be anything prepared in a language a word processing program (e.g., Microsoft Word) understands. Though many approaches are possible, generally speaking an author proceeds by removing from the input text anything that is not an alphabetic character, including spaces, so as to have a block of letters to work with.

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Exit Ducky?

Packet begins nobelium. Id: the adobe Meta empty adobe amp core. Red. Red description red about Mom strew, creator tool adobe Photoshop, windows mom instanced, piped mom, documented mom derived from strew, instanced piped strew documented. Did red description red? …

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