Alison Flett

Alison Flett is originally from Scotland where she published three collections of poetry. Since moving to Australia, her work has been published in various journals and anthologies including Cordite Poetry Review, foame:e, Rabbit, Southerly, Stylus Lit and Tincture. She is poetry editor for Transnational Literature and runs, with Jill Jones, Little Windows Press.

Introduction to Alison Flett’s Where We Are

Conditional responses to the poems seem not only possible, but necessary. There’s much that slips in and out of light, and Flett’s poems have a zero-sum gaze: where there’s not light, there’s darkness.

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Alison Flett Reviews Sofie Westcombe’s Timestamps

So begins Sofie Westcombe’s debut collection Timestamps, one of the last books to be released from the Five Islands Press traps. At first glance it’s a curious choice for an opening poem, the ethereal New Age tone seemingly at odds with the rest of the collection’s insistence on the concrete.

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The diagnosis is hard to hear. Dark flames lap the future’s pretty cottage. Knees and elbows smoulder anger. Three streets away a fire engine’s high-pitched gape sounds amongst the traffic. The grasshopper in the bathroom that I trod on in …

Posted in 86: NO THEME VII | Tagged

5 Ways to Breathe in the CBD

Listen to the shoes of office-workers counting along the pavement, and your own shoes adding in their numbers. Write it all down as music, the black notes clicking and tapping. High above the multi-storey carparks the sun jellyfishes past. So …

Posted in 74: NO THEME V | Tagged