Alex Skovron

Alex Skovron is a writer and editor based in Melbourne. He was born in Poland, lived briefly in Israel, and emigrated to Australia in 1958, aged nearly ten. His poetry has appeared widely, and he has received a number of major awards for his work. The most recent of his collections, Towards the Equator: New & Selected Poems (2014), was shortlisted in the Prime Minister’s Literary Awards. His volume of stories, The Man who Took to his Bed (2017), and his novella The Poet (2005), have been published in Czech, translated by Josef Tomáš. Alex’s poetry has also appeared in French, Chinese, Dutch, Polish, Macedonian and Spanish.

2 Translations: Jiří Orten and Vladimír Holan

Jiří Orten (1919–1941) and Vladimír Holan (1905–1980) are considered today to be among the central figures in twentieth-century Czech poetry.

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for Philip Salom He is lying sprawled within one of the spaces           between the spaces, dreaming of a perfect seven-eyed pavilion           in burnt sienna, at rest behind bars under a gun-grey broth drinking           the Rome air naked. In his dream …

Posted in 79: EKPHRASTIC | Tagged

Silence: An Anatomy

I reach into you the half-light drizzles my fingers caress your thoughts You hear my footfall we trace another memory my limbs enfold I follow you my eyes can peer into the hidden corners of your history Your future I …

Posted in 60: SILENCE | Tagged

2 Translations of Alex Skovron

PEN Melbourne’s Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee (TLRC) recently commissioned Jacques Rancourt, French poet, translator and director of the Paris-based Festival franco-anglais de poésie, to translate a collection of poems by Melbourne poet Alex Skovron. Skovron and Rancourt discussed and …

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Memory takes us for a ride, and we it – Time clocks its vengeance on forgetfulness; When the god Remembrance comes calling (Old Eros in a mask) we repossess In vain the confabulated latitudes For our retelling, now tainted and …

Posted in 50: JACKPOT! | Tagged