3 Inger-Mari Aikio Translations

By and | 1 February 2020

rod creature

the car twists between the mountains
along the long norwegian coast
veers up trollstigen
in zig zags all the way up
we could jump off trollveggen

we don’t jump
we continue from fjord to fjord
along the endless coast
you drive
I nap

then you start dozing off
even though midnight oil is thumping
how do we sleep
while the beds are burnin’

I raise the volume

It’s no good
I open your fly
dig out your cock
suddenly you’re more awake
than ever once on this trip

you ask me to stop
but won’t let me stop
you whisper you’re crazy

you hit the gas
pass three cars

the rod creature stretches upward
it would wriggle out the window
if it could get away from my lips

in the back of a pickup truck ahead
some soldier boys crack up laughing


norgga riddu lea guhkki
biila hurgá gáissáid ja váriid gaskka
mohkkasa trollstigena
njunnesuorrámiid gitta bajás
trollveggenis sáhtášii njuiket

ean njuike
jotke mátkki vuonas vutnii
nohkameahttun gátti
don vuoját
mun oađestuttan

ja de donge oađestuddagoađát
vaikko midnight oil heađástuddá
how do we sleep
while the beds are burnin’

lasihan jiena

ii veahket
leahkastan cuobi
rokkan soappi
fáhkka leat gozuid alde
eanet go oktiige dán mátkkis

dáhtuhat heaitit
itge goittot divtte
savkalat you’re crazy

deaddilat gássa
sihkastat golmma biilla meattá

soabbenávdi gaŋká
guovllašii biilalásas olggos
jus beasašii mu baksamiid meattá

guorbmebiilla alde
soalddáhat rešket

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