Debbie Lim

Introduction to Debbie Lim’s Bathypelagia

The poems in Debbie Lim’s Bathypelagia are wonders of animacy and transformation. As the title suggests, Lim plumbs depths with these poems, taking readers to the deep ocean, and fathoming the nocturnal hours.

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A Short Treatise on Tears

It is a secret place, the land of tears —Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ‘The Little Prince’ Sometimes a thought breaks from the body in liquid form: O small seismic! Usually this is when we have no words. Instead we taste our …

Posted in 112: TREAT | Tagged

The Schnee Stone

He brings it home one ordinary afternoon, cupped in his hands like a fresh piece of hail. When he rolls the rock between his palms a fine precipitation sifts down, barely visible, and the air between us crackles, falls several …

Posted in 107: LIMINAL | Tagged

The Skeletons

Strange to think they live within, mimicking our every mundane move. There are those who believe they would cease to exist without us: with no flesh to hold up, organs to cradle, unsheathed of all practical purpose. But perhaps it …

Posted in 106: OPEN | Tagged

The Pool

New York, 2011 Grief, they say, has four steep walls cut from black stone. Water sheers off the sides into a giant pool: the edges milk themselves violently towards a hollow centre. The level of water is sunk so low …

Posted in 60: SILENCE | Tagged

To the Fugu

I cannot see her tonight I have to give her up So I will eat fugu – Buson   To kiss you is to mimic your own stunned face: small-mouthed, teeth slightly bared. But you refuse to flirt, giving nothing …

Posted in 50: JACKPOT! | Tagged