By | 4 February 2025

Creatures dart between worlds
come into focus into or across meadow and forest.
In the small surety of spaces its indefinite edge fills
with movement (abundance and distribution
the uncertainty of position). Against
a general green of foliage I raise field glasses for
particularity: of leaf, of plumage, underwing, coverts.
Our interference in the process signalled by alarm calls
high above and shrill, insistent of a breach.
Requiring acknowledgment. Unable to see
my own self without distortion I see the periphery
the first surface, the furthest from my eyes.
There’s power to interpret if we can’t measure
: pretending intentions, desires, knowledge
another world, increments, the subject world, ditto.
Presence is easier to describe than absence. A bird
darts forward forsaking shelter, edges into ‘space’
our space we assume because in our field of vision.
‘Ownership’ that is disputed noisily by the bird
with its own curiosity. Visible through movement
and colour, a mosaic of spaces between things.
Quantum self. And of consciousness?1
Lout over the nano-fields for words
: I have multiple interpretations for the vivid presence.

  1. the vivid presence of consciousness David Chalmers – (and Quantum Mechanics but without the appearance of Schrodingers cat) ↩
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