Ghazal for Etel

By | 15 September 2022

I untangle in this sky, this milk-white moonlight.
Earth’s satellite appears all night in moonlight.

Which country’s quiet sky did you design on this canvas?
I’m struck by the hues of your ever-bright moonlight.

This blue is a rehearsal for when our bodies are still.
I’ve lost sight of the fires in your swipes of moonlight.

For tonight, I chew dreams under lilac iridescence.
No classifications here, shapes suffice in moonlight.

In this dream I am fatigued, my language ossified.
Yet your palette is a relief invite to moonlight.

Your paint-knife is a landscape of dirt and skies.
For you Etel, I write, ignited in your moonlight.

After Untitled: 2014: Oil on canvas: Etel Adnan

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