
By | 1 May 2017

for Robert Hass

spring abrupts
like an open palm
walk through redfern
stop to watch jasmine spill
again & think of yr grandmother
pink fragrant naturalised
climbing the scraptractor
at the gardentop
the beggar replies to an empty hand
it’s just good to see you happy
& wonder again
how far things have gone

looking across heidelberg
from der philosophenweg
its dawn
a bruised ecstasy of words
resumes trestles –
after psychosis its winter
a sparse snow
descends a valley
each word returning an elegy
firtree snowflake tiergarten cigarette
their loss their loss their loss
dubiously pended
anonymous snow

at the hauptbahnhof
a flock of rosering parakeets
call unmistakably
the greenest thing in words
mutter geographies of songbird lineage
& what symphony of error
what lyrate slippage
your feral song?

the antipodal drift
slips another arc
death in a missed wingbeat
lose time give it
now again is openpalmed
welcome eclipse welcome
remember love
love everything lo——

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