Criminal Thoughts

By | 4 May 2016

In which I realise I will not make an attractive corpse
In which I carry a broken watch so they’ll know the time of my demise
In which I half burn a letter in the grate
In which I leave the curtains wide so I can draw them deep into the night
against the stalker’s prying eyes

In which I plan to wear a wealth of gold so I’ll have green bones

In which I file my nails with a look of disdain like a cop show receptionist
In which I practise my identifying-the-loved-one-in-the-mortuary face
In which I make a mistake but that’s okay because it is someone else’s clue
In which my life of criminal activity bangs me up for another stretch
between the sheets

In which I flip open my notebook with one hand
You must understand I have to ask these questions

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