
By | 1 September 2024

“There is no road, the road is made by walking.”
-Antonio Machado.

There is always a war somewhere,
a party going on, or a fireworks display
elsewhere in the cosmos, the strange
busyness of humanity, jackhammering
away at silence.

In the dead of winter, the journeyman
sets out to track the spirit of the mountains
a snow leopard, fur glittering like ice, paw-prints
wide as lotus-pads, as the leopard
becomes the mountain. Its prey, herds of yak
punctuate the slopes, smudges of black wool
in a frozen eternity.

To the north, foothills of the Kunlun Mountains
form a frieze, the glaciers melded into one.
Rivers of Tibet that never see the sea
disappear into Changtang’s sands
in the Buddhist way,
snow finches and antelopes hidden
within this plateau’s emptiness,
animals, plants, single-cell life-forms
all fractals of the one mantra.

The world vanishes,
the leopard stretches and yawns,
eyes ablaze
through the lens of a telescope,
the road burning with torches.

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