
By | 1 May 2019

8 arms with six legs and a talon as sharp as gall-blastocystic-glass,
their mouths full of words: decay, cannibalism, churning soliloquy,
siblings, now a nest waiting for a mother-vulture-canine kind.

Wolves howling like a wind, puffing to wash the sea away
from this shore, stranded were jelly-squishes, star-stimulating-
molluscs, plastic-nose turtles, lighter-head sea gulls, and a ghoul-mask.

Worms in orgasm, as wasp becomes lily, pollen becomes sugar,
canola becomes colloidal corpuscles, red blood bone marrow
becomes sickle-cell man ready to stab anyone binge-eating.

Cobra fangs displaying mimesis and esoteric myths, meditative
and arousing, karma spreading as orange blossoms in bright-red
turmeric, contaminating this land where Gautama preached.

Plant-based diet fanatics fornicate with paleo-girl, dancing in hula,
drinking piña-colitis, growing their breasts in sync, savouring
every bite, every flavour, every gustatory layer of aspartame.

Bible-preachers selling all-wares, from electricity bills, hydroponic
waters, beluga-belly sea salt, organically-sourced vita-minerals
that destroy, devour, and defy carcino-kinetic ideologues.

Pulpit-shaming electo-reps vouched for their insolence
and diploma in climate distractions, detractions of climate,
and shape-shifting-phenomena called techno-remediation.

6-legged vampiric keyboards, crushing every serotonin-inducing
morning glory as cacophonous beeps, clicks, tap, tap, tap,
of swipe-left-to-right-match or right-to-left-ignore equipment.

What-the-fact, the vulture-canine momma of all 8 changelings
has arrived, becoming a fairy, becoming a genius brat-bat-nacle,
becoming kid-genius-tech-giant anatomically-un-correct mother.

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