
By | 1 February 2022

Wounds that run so deep
They cause our spirit to bleed
It hurts more than life itself
Leaves us struggling to barely breathe
There’s this place deep down within
I want to reach inside there
To that darkened place
To let it out and lay it all bare

It has been lifeless and dormant
For over 100 years
Our hidden life story
Full of heartache and fear
But a call out of the blue
Sheds some much needed light
As we wade through family history
We have been given new insight

Like the pieces in a jigsaw
They all seemed to fit
And the feeling was indescribable
But we savoured every memorable bit
When the truth came to light
It drenched us in lost history
As we connected with family
Solving a 100-year mystery

Now my spirit is alight
And there’s fire in my soul
I feel it burning inside me
Protecting me, keeping me whole
I finally belong somewhere
It’s a dream come true
Being connected to lost family
Was our greatest breakthrough

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