Ian Bell: riot

22 June 2001
you poked a hole
in my chest and hoovered
my heart out

you burgled me
while I was busy
blagging you

it was a riot
that hit home
like a baton round

when you took off
when I got remanded
in my own custody

see you, see if
I ever see you again
I'll deck you

with kisses
I'll plant you
in my breast

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About James Ian Bell

James Ian Bell is a Melbourne poet. A collection of his poems, Welcome Abroad, was published in 2010 by Ginninderra Press under the Indigo imprint edited by Alan Gould and Geoff Page. Welcome Abroad is available through the Ginninderra Press web site. “Everyone’s an immigrant in Welcome Abroad, the new collection of transcendental low-fi poetry by James Ian Bell.” Contact James via email.

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