Cycles and Lines

By | 1 November 2016

sea breathing. started pulling in. staves loose on
their tether. for those in berets, those in

caps. to clap first. bruising chords. flute against the
wall. moon up there, half a minim. chill of too

few. entire sea. nine is important.
grammar of nil. breathing. the fresh pull, the

new tug, the neaping. paying to clap. half in,
half under. insistence of xylophone.

the entire. while the limestone is dreaming?
sift of urgency. the paying. so A and

tight and high. allow, keep. listen to it’s
riffs. rain washed tomorrows. nougat of mortar.

keep the entire sea breathing. gypsied
silence. allow the paying to clap first.

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