Program Summer;

By | 1 December 2011

Program Summer;



        write ‘The summer has come early this year, I think.’

        IF TheSummerHasComeEarly equals true THEN

            write ‘I dream a thick electric blue’

            write ‘like Sydney Nolan. I dream Ned Kelly eyes.’

        IF TheSummerHasComeEarly does not equal true THEN


                write ‘a chill winter moves the soul, over’

                write ‘a lost land where my heart lies’

                write ‘beside you. Your hands had’

                write ‘enchanted me, eager and soft. But I’

                write ‘was not enough, together, we were’

                write ‘not enough and you alone and I’

                write ‘alone, in that cold house where now’

                write ‘a moon moves between thin branches,’

                write ‘like a dead face beneath still water…’

            Until the sun goes down.

        Until we quit this town.


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