
By | 1 July 2009

walk with me along the pathway of analog lovers.
visitors will bring food and gifts
gathered from palaeochannels visible
in the twilight at fifteen-day intervals.
once a mega-lake, the autumn slowly made
inroads into an atypical hesitation waltz
you have investigated for a project
the maintenance engineer thought long overdue.
many of these forms and rhythms
see now
a return of enthusiasm
similar in appearance to a brown pelican
as luminous as several thousands of stars.
do you belong here. turn toward the asteroid belt
directing its colour-coded bodies away from further
cycles of cell division, alone everywhere.
the telescopic view during this time
provides thinning crescents with hope.
when the camera breaks down, smile and reshape.
in case we drift apart, wear your compass
on a checkered sleeve, bicycle helmet, white pillow,
from day to night.
discovered by removing a subset of commercial vessels,
the remains of a viking longhouse
eject cometary material into the twilight.
emptiness yawns: what has gone missing
cannot be deemed to exist
until the ship makes port, kneels and finds citations.
new experiments cloud the request form.
intricately constant,
your gaze sets shortly after the sun.
you calculate departures from the probable,
steering between limerent styles. i follow,
one blind step to each beat.

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