Vowellings in Reverso

By | 1 November 2014

(After Christian Bök, Eunoia)

I Unruly

Unsunk, thus Pru’s lush cult spurns humdrum hurt,

stuffs stubs, bluffs snubs, shuns slurs, gruff flubdub’s churls;

usurps glut’s smut, hunts stunt, clumps mugwump curt,

Pru’s unsung trump plumbs crux, unfurls, uncurls.

Must skulk dull numskull, humbug blunt us, lurch?

Such upthrusts blur, crunch surplus mulch’s grub;

much snuff numbs hubbub, guru’s sunburst church,

but luck Pru sups, mulls dux scuds’ tut tuts drub.

Pru pulls up Lulu, buds plump cumulus,

sulks tumult’s flux, mump’s grump tugs unjust fluff;

stuns bulrush murk, tufts flurry’s susurrus,

plucks dumb cluck truth, nuns’ hushful murmurs buff.

Hug Pru’s plus Lulu’s humbly put up chums,

burnt spun, hung rubdub, glubglub’s turn succumbs.

II Ombrology

Rococo hobos slowly morph to throngs,

how glowworms hobnob on Thor’s ghostly moor;

whom logbook crowns no bloodshot cockcrow wrongs,

for mojo flown yon horn stops short of poor.

Don’t croon too soon from topknot brow O cowl,

for voodoo throb shocks chronos’s droll cost;

consorts moon’s womb forlornly born of owl,

from folly forth fool’s gold forgot who lost.

So lollop on sod’s ivory of tomb,

concoct of protocol orb’s chord sworn low;

go bow to honky-tonk of dodo’s groom,

prolong odzooks for God of sooth to know.

Who swoon contort words’ pomp for rondo trod,

for vow to logos workshops Orloff’s nod.

III Invitingly

With inkling Isis sits, its distich blinks,

inclining childish limbs inditing lips;

which nib will bring its lisping, rhyming inks,

which flight inscribing spiritism quips?

Nigh wist is Isis mimicking its lilt,

it isn’t nihilism wings its fin;

in kinnikinnick’s winking, gliding’s spilt

its whitish iris sidling pippin’s skin.

Inciting ibis, Isis thrills its kind,

with rigid timing fixing stripling’s gift;

its ritzy zip implicit, high in mind,

distills in pidgin titbits prismic lift.

If I print whirring lights with sigil’s skill

will kinship disinhibit, vigil fill?

IV Elegy

Wherever breves secrete themselves we feel

her freshest berth, the deference they entrench

her deft détente excelled. Bejewelled she’ll wheel

the fevered tempest, then eject, bedrench

the vertex, fête these sleepless fetters. Eve

when new we seethed, perfected essences

then erred erectly. Left esteemed hence we’ve

defected, let the seventh scent deem there’s

emergent meekness checked. The whelm her verse

prefers we deepen, steer her cheek where delves

her egress (egrets there her helmsmen terse

spell shelter’s vestment). Then in wrested twelves

we wreck regret, her vessels’ cerements

we fetch, we ferret felt her flesh frequents.

V Arcady

A stanza calms an angst, as avatars

array a Hannah and an Adam, apt

a tract that vamps a sabbath’s plagal stars.

A bard can tra la la, can hazard rapt

as Mars, attack a badland’s flats as all

phantasmal lamps allay a rash, aghast

athwart a flank that chasms gnaw, a thrall

a carnal mantra. Hannah claps as fast

as Adam, drafts a charm that ably warms

a galaxy’s cabbala, pants and paws

a bacchanal. As vast as scandal’s swarms

a spasm spawns a craft, a jackdaw thaws

at craw, and natally amalgam’s play

attracts a sad alas, a psalm astray.

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