an island is an archive

By | 31 October 2021

island as a ghost

the island spreads its long syrupy fingers to its edges
dips tips into its own murky waters
echoing with murmurs and
the calloused rhythm it beats out
syncopated and heavy
with bones or words unsaid
bodies of water full /
of bodies
the island anxiously reaffirms itself
the island is not guilt-free
the island contains multitudes
the island is ambivalent and rearticulates itself
the island might gesture to what we leave behind
the island carries the humming of kin
in all their thick knowledge
that weight could break a cop’s back
the island is full of violence
the island is a shadowy border outlined until real
the island is an exercise in white fear
the island is an exercise in black infinity
ghosts on the island are promised futures circling,

ghost as an essay

ghost whispers in the margins and reveals infinity
scrawled notes languidly travel to a tangential conclusion
each citation is a ghost speaking in tongues
ghost carries language that tastes like metal
ghost converts callouses into question marks
where a line in the margins is a whisper laugh
humming towards new bodies
humming towards a circle
ghost is a text unsure about where it’s going,
knows where it’s from
a haunting is just a studied pause
lapping against water full of ghosts
an essay is a ghost dancing to the gaps and silences
syncopated melody tapped out on bones
or hands holding hands
or hands holding paper like the past
the past is a ghost writing itself into a slow essay
an essay is a ghost on island time

essay as water
the essay, lapping ocean words on words
rock pools through all this language
spreading like blue whispers
crevices in old buildings
the essay sprawls, an unfinished. leaking

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