The beauty of Ghost Nets

By | 13 May 2024

Staring at beauty on the walls
Hanging in the air, suspended
I am amazed, gobsmacked, floored
So small, big, colourful
In many forms, shapes, sizes

Once was junk but now no more
From the beaches of Zenadth Kes
To museums, art galleries in Australia, the world

Lost, abandoned nets
Trapping fish, turtles and marine life
Fishing nets, ghost nets transformed
Collected, cleaned, categorised

During COVID, iso times
Kits created to make your own at home
Sold out in Australia and internationally
Wait lists started
So popular
How to make your own ray, turtle or fish
Weave your way
To a beautiful art piece

New life created
From ugly to beautiful
With an important message for all
Educating on marine pollution
From marine debris to art pieces
Inspired by the sea

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