Zoe Elisabeth

Zoe Elisabeth is a poet from Washington, DC and a student at Sarah Lawrence College. She has previously been published in literary journals including Caesura, Rust + Moth and Counterclock under the name Zoe Cunniffe, and her work has been nominated for Best of the Net. She is the Associate Editor of Thrush Poetry Journal and also edits for The Lumiere Review, Kissing Dynamite, and Indigo Literary Journal. Zoe can be found on Instagram at @makeshiftparadises.

portrait of the untouchable

in april, it’s everywhere, palm-fed. little cheek kisses before parting, dangling arms & laced fingers, mouths open/wanting/painless in the new sunlight. backs on burnt concrete, sudden springtime grazed against the window. feigning campus indie movie as you lay your morning-body …

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