Will Druce

Will Druce is a poet and translator from the Blue Mountains. He has a chapbook titled Topadine, forthcoming through Puncher & Wattmann.

Will Druce Reviews Jake Goetz and Michael Farrell

Saturated in a droll but kind and sparkly ennui, Jake Goetz’s volume, Unplanned Encounters (2023) reaches out a cigarette-butt holding, soil and spider-web covered hand and invites readers to confront dislocation, catastrophe, doom, ecocide, and the deeply unsettling mutilations/morphology of post-colonial settlement.

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Will Druce Reviews Michael J. Leach and Theodore Ell

Published by Recent Work Press in 2022, the following two debut collections of poetry I’ve had the pleasure of spending time with are both stylistically and gestationally distinct from one another. Natural Philosophies by Michael J. Leach is an eclectic mixture of poetic experiments that nobly attempt to marry science and medicine with art and poetics. Theodore Ell’s Beginning in Sight, gracefully vintaged in its composition and heavily focused on the primacy of the visual, is a haunting and considered meditation on time as it unfolds beneath the eye.

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great artesian nowhere

we live on liquified pastures on thylacine-skin print blown in from the curved backs of armchairs hung on walls in gully-dust paintings in the saturn-rings of wine glass bottoms upon the lips of drooling escarpments where sandstone sponge seeps wet-season …

Posted in AP EWF 2019 | Tagged


twentieth century flinders st was a salon throng south eastern bitter tinny tasting koala skull psychofederation that tanned orange into a current sponge cake million fake denim catwalk corporate smoothie shop. sydney road is a pram sucking wedding smothering gutter …

Posted in 62: MELBOURNE | Tagged