Sophie Mayer

Sophie Mayer has three books forthcoming in 2015: (O) (Arc, UK), kaolin or, How Does a Girl Like You Get to Be a Girl Like You (Lark Books, US) and Political Animals: The New Feminist Cinema (IB Tauris, UK). Her most recent book is Glitter is a Gender (co-edited with Sarah Crewe, Contraband, UK).

rising from aquifers

In the middle of the map they put Medea. As if to say of the site DO NOT ENTER. As if to admit how they had provoked her. HAZCHEM: a warning almost invocation. Lord of the poison, sacred their mission. …

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The light lasts into everything Bare ruined wires where late et cetera: too *smirk* simple a substitution. Once upon, the grey machines we dreamed (o orange glow!) were happy & made us so, no. Really. Dis- mantled with a hammer …

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