Manisha Anjali

Manisha Anjali is a poet and artist. She is the author of Naag Mountain (Giramondo, 2024), which was shortlisted for the Judith Wright Calanthe Award. Manisha was a recipient of BLINDSIDE’s Regional Arts and Research Residency at Mooramong, a Writer-in-Residence at Incendium Radical Library and a Hot Desk Fellow at The Wheeler Centre. She is the founder of Neptune, a research and documentation platform for dreams, visions and hallucinations. She has lived in Fiji, Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia.

‘Language is sculptural material’: Manisha Anjali in Conversation with Susie Anderson

Poets traverse barefoot through immaterial places like the past, the future, and dreams. The container that houses the immaterial is the body. It is Country. Wergaia and Wemba Wemba poet Susie Anderson’s debut collection, the body country (2023), is a timeless capsule in which the material and immaterial are swirling in figure eights and where the self metamorphoses over and over in a delicate surrender to the infinite rhythms of Country.

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Carrying water in an earthen vessel

I carry water in an earthen vessel. The jug is made from earth beneath the palash. I follow the birth of fire through the wilds. The lacuna is lined with fable and milk. Bone marrow flowers in the howls. There …

Posted in 109: NO THEME 12 | Tagged

Farmer’s Ektara

Ektara, in the key of rebirth and revolution. Farmer flies on the back of the white horse to the beginning of our lifelines. I have forgotten to age. From the wound in the throat, I fish an old pumpkin, horsehair …

Posted in 107: LIMINAL | Tagged

Sun and Coin

Posted in 102: GAME | Tagged

‘It is a gift for you’: Danny Silva Soberano Interviews Manisha Anjali

In my mind, Manisha Anjali is most neatly described as a ‘poet’, though her body of work cannot be so neatly classified.

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eat the rich

rich woman
 rich woman

 I will eat your t o n g u e I will eat your t o n g u e t o n g u e
 t o n g u e g u e g …

Posted in AP EWF 2019 | Tagged