Lawdenmarc Decamora

Lawdenmarc Decamora holds an MFA in creative writing and is currently finishing his MA in literary and cultural studies. He teaches literature in the morning and in between traffic juggernaut, momentarily prays for the return of CM Punk to WWE. His poems have appeared in numerous print and online international literary journals. His work is forthcoming in The Ilanot Review, LONTAR: The Journal of Southeast Asian Speculative Fiction, Chrome Baby, Spittoon Literary Magazine, TAYO Literary Magazine. He lives in the Philippines.

Automatic for the People

Shoppers, take this time to please your companions. Right, left, right—obviously they take your attention via clockwork sales talk. A drop of discoloration is being processed when you talk to them— lover, robber, gender, industrially colour blind— magical are their …

Posted in 100: BROWNFACE | Tagged

Listening to U2 with the fat still on your lip—

that pale patience of yours, oh, I could drive myself crazy from this observation of condominiums to Maine, old and bony Maine. What’s that song you’re guessing? I guess it’s empty passion no groovier than last night’s cigs you’ve beautifully …

Posted in 84: SUBURBIA | Tagged