Kent MacCarter

Kent MacCarter is publisher of Cordite Books and managing editor of Cordite Poetry Review. He's the author of three poetry collections – In the Hungry Middle of Here (Transit Lounge, 2009), Sputnik's Cousin (Transit Lounge, 2014) and California Sweet (Five Islands Press, 2018).

O’Hara Malley: Upper Level Arithmetic – or ‘If James Schuyler Got a Rise from the Ladies’

Hailing from Lilli Pilli, NSW, O'HARA MALLEY has enjoyed a storied career as dune buggy mechanic and part-time, literary urbanite. A double degree in heavy machinery maintenance and 20th Century Pop Culture (specialising in Judy Garland and her roles in feminist inebriation) has afforded O'Hara the unique opportunity to harness the affect of the crash-course, both in human life and vehicle operation., which he then projects onto characterisation. This is considered his specialty. His works have appeared in Stolling Rone, Stealing Roans, and Horse & Buggy Thievery Today.

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Horsehead Malley: My Interview with Gravity

HORSEHEAD MALLEY is an emerging young writer from country Victoria. Her verbose nature proved to be an initial hurdle in procuring publications, however recent takes by Overly, Southerland, Me and Jen, Me and Daryl, and The Aging have uncovered a growing audience for Horsehead Malley's evolving style. She is a promising young writer, having received the Blossoming Toddler Literary Prize and the Developing Zygote Stroke of Uber Brilliance Jamboree in Writing awards given annually by the Victorian Arts Council. Good works are highly anticipated from Horsehead Malley. If this proves false, she will happily settle for being a journalist. She is a young and emerging writer.

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